Amazing Babes in juicy Slapstick Videos. We are SEXY, DRESSY, WET & MESSY.
Early access
Aug 21st, 2024
Removing in
Video archive
Unlimited Streaming and Downloads.
How it works
Frequent Questions & Answers
What is the difference between Early Access and Video Archive movies?
Early Access
The movies in the Early Access section are only available for 30 days from the date added. It's a bit of a pop-up release.
After 30 days they will be removed and will be brought back in the future in the Video Archive. You will alway see a countdown showing when the videos will be removed.If you want to have them now, you'll need to purchase them before they are removed.
Video Archive
The movies in the Video Archive section are usually available for a couple of months from the day added. After this period, they will be removed. You will always see a countdown showing when the videos will be removed.
Is SPLOSH+ updated monthly?
Yes, Splosh+ and it's network sites are updated on the 21st of each month, including, Early Access movies. The Video Archive will also have a rotation of movies. You will always see a countdown showing when the videos will be removed.
What subscriptions are available?
We offer 2 different rates: "PPV" and "VIP".
The "PPV" subscription gives you
- Instant access to the Early Access and Video Archive sections (pay-per-video with credits)
- 48 initial credits and 12 monthly recurring credits to spend on any video within the Splosh+ network (Nattaly Inferno, Slippery Slapstick, Wet All Over, Mud Movies, and Splosh Party)
- 20% Cashback credits, provided on every rebilling
"PPV" subscriptions are rebilled every 30 days. Additional credits can be purchased anytime, instantly.
The "VIP" flat rate subscription gives you
- Instant access to the Early Access and Video Archive sections
- Unlimited streaming and downloads of all videos in Early Access and Video Archive, and within the entire Splosh+ network (Nattaly Inferno, Slippery Slapstick, Wet All Over, Mud Movies, and Splosh Party)
"VIP" subscriptions are rebilled every 30 days.
Do I need to buy credits?
Only "PPV" subscribers need to buy credits to use when purchasing a video. “PPV” subscriptions automatically provide credits monthly to spend on videos across the Splosh+ network. You can easily purchase additional credits anytime, instantly.
"VIP" flat rate subscriptions give full and unlimited access to all videos within the Splosh+ network. There is no need to purchase credits.
What is the pricing?
A regular movie price is 11.98 credits per video.
As a "VIP" subscription includes all videos within the Splosh+ network, the price per video in only relevant for "PPV" subscribers.
"PPV" subscription: € 12.99 monthly recurring with an initial signup payment (first month) of € 49.99
"VIP" subscription: € 29.99 monthly recurring with an initial signup payment (first month) of € 99.99Additional credits
In addition to your "PPV" subscription, packages of 15, 25, 45, and 75 credits are available for purchase anytime, instantly. -
What is Cashback?
Cashback is only available for "PPV" subscribers. On each rebilling, your account will be credited 20% of the credits spent during the previous billing period. For instance, if you spent 30 credits, you’ll get 6 credits (20%) added to your account as Cashback. The more you spend, the bigger your Cashback.
How do I cancel my subscription?
If you do need to cancel, it is simple: go to your account settings and select the "Cancel" button or write to our support team. You will be automatically canceled and will receive a confirmation email.
For "PPV" subscriptions, we provide a redemption period of 30 days after the end of your "PPV" subscription. Within these 30 days, you may spend any remaining credits, resubscribe, or choose a new subscription. After this time, if you do not resubscribe, the account closes, and any remaining credits expire.